EXIM Asian International Trading Group, big, sweet, crispy apples are handpicked or if you want, Mechanical picked at their finest, bursting with unforgettable flavor.
Other apples sit in warehouses for months; ours, Iran Apples, are still on the tree when you place your order.
Enjoy a customer favorite shipped fresh off the tree so that you can enjoy this delicious variety at the peak of perfection.
• Fresh-picked apples
• Shipped at the peak of the season
• Sweet, crisp and tasty
• Straight from the orchard to you
Organic apples health benefits :
There are many type of organic apples health benefits given below:
• It can help lower your blood cholesterol levels.
• They also contain polyphenols, which have antioxidant effects.
• Apples may be good for weight loss.
• Most important factor, apples fruit are highly nutritious.